10 Reasons Why Credit Unions Offer The Best Customer Experience
min read
08 Oct 2024
Credit unions have topped the CXi 2024 league table for delivering the best customer experience in Ireland.
There were a total of 150 organisations ranked for the league table this year, with credit unions coming out top on each of the six emotional drivers in The CX Framework. You can read more about it in the CXi 2024 report here.
Credit unions have won the award for 10 years in row now. It got us thinking, why us? So, we came up with 10 reasons why;
For Trust
Members trust us to do what’s right by them.
For Convenience
Our online banking services make it easier to make whatever transactions you need.You can get in touch with us online, by phone or in-person, whatever suits you.
For Local
Credit unions are all about members helping each other. Your money comes from the community and stays in the community
For Low Rates
We offer highly competitive rates for members, with flexiblity to your needs.
For Getting to know you
Each member is different with different needs. We look at the real you. You are not just a number on the books.
For Savings
The OG of the Credit Union!
For Services
We offer a lot more than just savings however. From current accounts to mortgages, business loans & agri loans
For Fixing
When things go wrong, we endeavour to fix them quickly. There's always a friendly member of staff on hand to help out.
For Accountability
All decisions are taken at a local level in the best interest of membes.
For You. Not Profit
All decisions are taken at a local level in the best interest of members.
Join Today
If you're not already a member of a credit union, we'd love you to join the 3.6 million people across the island of Ireland who are. To find you local credit union, visit our CU Locator now.