Home Improvement Grants and Funding
min read
06 Mar 2020
It’s the word on everyone’s lips at the moment. Green. Green jobs, green buildings, green transport, green homes. Everyone is rolling all kinds of green buzz-words off their tongues - Solar Panels. Heat pumps. BER Ratings. Renewables. KiloWatt. The fluid language of sustainable-ese. If you’ve read our blog on the best ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency, then you’ll know all things you can look at to upgrade your Home's BER rating and save some money on heating bills - and get on the green-bandwagon.
But now you want to know the million-dollar (or million-euro-grant) question: how do you pay for it? We've listed below some grants and schemes available.
Better Energy Homes Scheme
The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) offers grants to homeowners to improve the energy efficiency of their home. Depending on the work being carried out, grants of up to €6,000 are available. These are not based on income. SEAI grants are available for: wall and attic insulation, new heat pump systems, heating controls upgrades and solar thermal solutions. To find out more, visit the SEAI website.
Free Energy Upgrades (Social Welfare Recipients)
As part of a nationwide EU scheme, free energy efficiency improvements are available to people who receive certain social welfare supports. You must meet certain requirements and be receiving one of the following: Fuel Allowance, Job Seekers Allowance, Working Family Payment, One-Parent Family Payment, Domiciliary Care Allowance or Carers Allowance (and live with the person you are caring for).
To find out more about the scheme, visit the SEAI website.
Warmth and Wellbeing Pilot Scheme
Anyone who suffers from a chronic respiratory condition can apply for a free, extensive energy efficiency upgrade to their home, provided they meet certain conditions, and are referred by the HSE.
This is currently a pilot scheme only, and limited to specific areas of Dublin. However, there are plans to extend it nationally, according to the government.
Green Home Improvement Loans
Grants are usually only paid to you after home improvement works have been carried out, so you will need to be able to pay the costs in full first. Credit unions offer flexible, low cost loans towards green home improvements.
Why not check out if your local credit union offers a green home improvement loan? Simply pop a query to them below!
Submit an Online Loan Enquiry